I am not my addiction. I am a mother, a student, and a friend.
Hi, my name is Heather. I am currently enrolled in the Human Services Associate Program. My daughter is my biggest motivator to remain sober, and is partly why I am where I am today. I had to know how to cope. After hearing a speaker say, “A drug is the solution at first, then it becomes the problem” really helped to remove some of my shame. I also had to learn how to put myself first. I had to lose myself to find myself.
My daughter, my coping skills, and many other supports in my life allowed me to get out there to be who I am today and find my passion. I am motivated to get a well-paying job to support my daughter and myself. This job not only will support us financially, but will also fill a void in my life. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of people. One day I would like to become a therapist to help those in need with similar experiences because I have been through relatable situations. I will use my recovery for the common good, and I will give back what it has taught me. During my recovery, I have faced multiple challenges, but I have no regrets. My addiction made me who I am today.